I am here for a day of hiking on Palgong Mountain and to visit Donghwa Temple, but when I get off the bus about an hour outside of Daegu, I am temporarily paralyzed by the homogeneity of Korea.  I am in a mountain village, that is the gateway to the mountains and the temple.  And I immediately have the sense of being here before. I could swear that I have seen the plaza that is just ahead of me; the restaurants and shops, too, itch at my memory, and even their placement seems familiar.  The public bathrooms, likewise. Yet, I am pretty sure I’ve never been here. I start up the road to the temple, and a huge gate adorned with banners dominates the road. The feeling of having been here before passes.  I know I haven’t seen this.

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    My name is Charles Steez, a graduate from the University of Michigan with a degree in mulicultural  studies. I decided to travel the world before I settled down with a job, and on the way I fell in love with Buddhism.


    January 2013

