Buddha’s Birthday started for me at midnight; that is, I never went to sleep. I had intended to, but by the time I was going to get into bed it was already 11:30 P.M., and I wasn’t tired at all.  At 1:00 A.M. I was on my bicycle on my way to the temple. Seonjusa is located about six miles away on the opposite side of the city that I live in. I had planned on taking my scooter, but earlier I’d found out the battery was dead. The weather was perfect for the bicycle ride. Most of the way I used the seperated bike lanes that are available in Korea. My goal was to be at the temple before morning prayers started, but I didn’t know exactly when that was. I arrived at the temple at 2:00 A.M. It had taken just under an hour to ride the six miles. In the main courtyard, paper lanterns glowed and flickered. From time to time flaming hot wax fell to the ground from the candles inside the lanterns. It was at once a joyful and calming sight. One of the monks was up and sitting taking in the sight was well. He was very pleased to see me, and took an immediate interest in me. He had some English and tried to tell me various things that didn’t all translate well. For the most part I thought I could understand an approximation of his intentions, but who knows for certain, and, really, who cares? It was a beautiful experience no matter what was said, and I felt very welcome.

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    My name is Charles Steez, a graduate from the University of Michigan with a degree in mulicultural  studies. I decided to travel the world before I settled down with a job, and on the way I fell in love with Buddhism.


    January 2013

