Image Courtesy of: http://www.fotopedia.com/
I recently visited the Korea National Museum in Seoul There are a lot of pieces I like in the metals room. There are some hinges that I adore. They are inlaid with different metals in a curving pattern. What I like so much is the attention and craft that went into something that was probably mostly utilitarian and ignored. When was the last time that you took a particular notice of the hinges on a door you opened? These door pulls speak to me in the same way. Perhaps, these door pulls had a reason to be a little more decorative. Maybe they were part of a palace or an important temple. But it’s possible they were largely ignored, and lost in the view of greater things. Still, a great deal of attention and craft was given to something that had a very humble task. There is something about the importance of small things that speaks to me. Maybe it is because I see a correlation with slow travel. When I take the time to see and appreciate details, no matter how small, my journey is enhanced.

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    My name is Charles Steez, a graduate from the University of Michigan with a degree in mulicultural  studies. I decided to travel the world before I settled down with a job, and on the way I fell in love with Buddhism.


    January 2013

