Image Courtesy of: http://commons.wikimedia.org
I find it difficult to describe the Paryongsan Stone Pagodas. Upon passing between the two big stone pagodas that stand on either side of the stream and trail, one gradually realizes the great expanse and diversity of the pagodas. They are small, large, every other size, and they are everywhere. Anywhere you look they are there amid the trees: stone fingers reaching up, in the same spirit that the trees reach up. Reaching up to what, no one can see; reaching up for what no one can know; reaching up just to reach, as if to express some unsayable yearning.

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    My name is Charles Steez, a graduate from the University of Michigan with a degree in mulicultural  studies. I decided to travel the world before I settled down with a job, and on the way I fell in love with Buddhism.


    January 2013

